Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tutorial Thursday- How to Stay Healthy This Winter!

Hello everybody! Welcome to another week, THE ONE RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AHHH! 
Well anyways, today I will be teaching you guys a health thing Sarah and I came up with!

Benefits of being healthy!
Okay to start off, let me state the benefits of staying healthy this winter!
-If you stay hydrated, so will your skin! Because of the dry air, skin drys out and can become dull.
    But if you drink a lot, your skin will show with a glow! 
-Your body will be more than ready for summertime!
-Acne caused by bad eating habits can heal!
-Dry hair can look and feel more healthy!
-Makes you happy and stress free!
-Food like strawberries makes your teeth appear whiter!
-It actually does prevent diseases! 
                                    And overall, eating healthy makes a person happy!

Junkfood Cravings?
Don't worry, once you get in the habit of eating healthy
all your cravings for junk food will just disappear-POOF!
Fruits usually can get rid of a junk food craving, in my opinion, 
apples work the best!

How do I Start?
For Sarah and I, it was pretty hard, but our secret is to find replacements! 
Here is a list of foods that we made up to replace, yay!

Junky Drinks (Soda, sports drinks, artificial juices)- REAL fruit juice-or water
Chips- Pretzelzs (Don't have this one to often, the sodium isn't that good for you!)
Chocolate-Dark Chocolate (Don't have this one too much eighter!) 
Ramen- Since it is empty calories, add veggies! 
French Fries- Slices of potatoes baked in the oven with seasoning! or sweet potato fries!
Canned soup- Homemade soup!( It's yummier too!)
All purpose flour- Wheat Flour
Candy- Fruit
Potatoes- Sweet Potatoes
Butter Popcorn- Plain Popcorn ( Make sure it has no trans fat-it leads to HEART ATTACKS!)

The list goes on and on! Just replace your everyday junkies, with the perfect replacement, it's that simple! Well thanks for tuning in to Tutorial Thursday! Have a great Friday tommorow!


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